Évènements le 9 mars 2025 › Evénement filière

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7th NovAliX Conference – Biophysics in Drug Discovery 2019

Kyoto Research Park 134 Chudoji Minamimachi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto

Developing the Synergy between Biophysics and Medicinal Chemistry to Deliver Better Drugs The 7th NovAliX Conference – Biophysics in Drug Discovery will take place in Kyoto, Japan on November 13-15, 2019. About 7th NovAliX Conference The use of biophysical methods in drug discovery is rapidly increasing and the field is in constant evolution, as documented in our [...]

6th World Congress on Epigenetics and Chromosome

About conference: The principal objective of this congress is to produce a platform for cutting-edge research in epigenetics and chromosome. Through energize sessions and many of networking, you may learn to be more brave and audacious than you're now and liberal to develop your mind, increase your business, and alter your bottom-line in a positive [...]


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