54èmes Rencontres Internationales de Chimie Thérapeutique
Le congrès sera focussé sur la thématique : « Interfacer la biologie chimique et le Drug Discovery »
New opportunities for metabolic and cardiovascular diseases
- Exploring novel pathways for the next generation drugs
- Non-small molecule approaches in metabolic & cardiovascular disorders
New breakthroughs in GPCR structure, function and their impact on drug discovery
- Exploring GPCR heterodimers as a source of drugs
- New biophysics developments in GPCR structure and function
New modalities for challenging targets in drug discovery
- Exploring novel chemical space: scaffolds inspired by nature, conjugates, alternative scaffolds, oligonucleotides, macrocyclics and constrained peptides
- Tackling biological targets from different angles: protein degradation (PROTAC)
Chemical biology in drug discovery: visualizing biological processes
- Imaging biological targets and cellular processes
- Probing biological systems with small molecules
Tackling challenges in drug delivery and formulation
- Making the insoluble soluble
- Novel solutions to stabilize & deliver peptides/proteins
Case studies: from target validation to novel drugs (all therapeutic areas included)